Most images in The Liquid Collective's extensive image archives are available for licensing purchase, provided a licensing agreement is reached prior to any use. We offer a range of imaging licenses, including exclusive and non-exclusive, and each license covers how, what and where the image can be used/applied (e.g. Magazine print, commercial uses, online, etc.).
Images are priced to reflect an average industry standard and a variety of formats such as TIFF and high resolution JPEG files are available. Common uses include web based (such as social media and blogs), prints and commercial/advertising purposes, but can be used for almost anything you can think of.
If you are interested in using any of our images under a license, would like access to The Liquid Collective's image archive, request a commission to match specific requirements or have any other questions regarding licensing, please contact us. Use of images without prior negotiation, written consent and compensation for use is considered to be a breach of international copyright laws, and legal action will be taken toward the offending party.