Hi. Hey there. How are you? It’s been a while. 

Things have changed. Maybe for the better, for some of you. For others, it might have gotten worse. I get it. Shit is hard right now. And no one really knows what to do. Certainly not me. I got back from travelling, to mandatory isolation for two weeks, to having the most restrictions on my life that I’ve had in years. I struggle with that, and it’s been a pretty average few months. I understand it’s all to keep others safe, it’s important, and I have a much nicer situation than a lot of people, and I am thankful for that. But it’s a big change. Definitely didn’t feel like creating anything at all, especially work that was going out into the world for others to see. 

Slowly, everything is starting to return to a somewhat more normal state, at least here in Australia.  I have a lot of friends in other countries who are struggling much more than we are here, and I hope that they are all as safe as possible, and that all this will clear up soon so we can get back the good vibes and good times together.

But maybe it’s a chance to explore yourself more, explore your town, explore your country for a while. I know being at home for the first extended period in a long time, a lot is different to how it used to be. I’m trying to get better at a few hobbies and skills I haven’t had the chance to practice recently. Some days are productive and busy and I feel good and motivated, it’s rainy others and all I want to do is spend the day napping, snacking and Netflixing (is that a word?) myself to death.

But I’m just trying to remind myself that it’s all temporary. Hard to do, but each day is hopefully a step toward the right direction.Just be nice to each other. Everyone’s stressed, everyone has a different concoction of brain juice and goo floating around in their head which is making them think and feel a million different things all at once and maybe nothing at exactly the same time, you’ll never know. Just be a nice person. It goes a long way sometimes.

If you’ve made it all this way, hopefully this is something you needed to read, maybe it’s been a little help in some way to you and there is something for you to take away. There was no plan when I was writing this, I didn’t have a topic so this post was kind of a freestyle. There is a lot of uncertainty going on in the world, a lot of thoughts and feelings being thrown around everywhere, but even if you didn’t read the words, hopefully you looked at the pictures and they did a little to help you look forward to the other side and make you happy :) 




